SPD - Speed affects how fast your Digimon act in battle. WIS - Wisdom reduces the MP cost of skills, increases chance of Guarding, and increases critical-hit rate. STR - Strength affects how much damage your Digimon deal. Mp is required for Attack Skills, so the higher the stat, the more skills they can use before needing recovery. HP and MP - HP is the amount of health your digimon has, and MP is their mana. While in battle, you can also use items to restore HP, MP, revive, boost stats, and more. There is a cooldown you must wait for between uses. You start with a set amount each battle, but this can be raised in combat by pressing X. This also requires a certain amount of Order Points. To make your Digimon use specific skills immediately, you need to choose that skill from your partner's menu. R1 lets you give an order to the right Digimon and L1 is for the left.Īttack Skills require MP to use and you can change Tactics to affect the frequency they use these on their own. In battle Digimon will fight on their own, but you can give them specific orders. If you only want to feed or use an item on 1 Digimon, you can toggle each of them on and off with the L1 and R1 buttons. Here you can feed them, use medicine, or go to sleep if they are Sleepy. If they are Hungry, Sick, or Sleepy, you can fix this by opening up the Care Menu by pressing Square. Watch for the symbols so you know when you need to take care of them. Throughout the day your Digimon will get Hungry, Tired, Sleepy, and Need to go to the bathroom. Example: Praising after a good training will increases 1 or more of those stats, but Scolding for a good training will lower them. How they are affected depends on the situation. Praising and Scolding raises or lowers Bond, Mood, and Discipline. It is a random occurrence that allows you to interact with your Digimon by either, Praising, Scolding, or Ignoring. You can increase it through Communication, eating, and sleeping. High values will cause them to help each out in battle. DigiFriend - This is how your Digimon relate to each other. It affects your initial Order Points in battle. Bond - This is how you relate to your Digimon. If you don't rest, or end battle with low HP, they could get sick or lose Life. Battles and Training increase this and you will want to rest if it gets over half full. Fatigue - This is how tired your Digimon get. Raising it 16 times will cause something bad to happen. Curse - This is increased if you don't take your Digimon to the bathroom in time.
It can increase through Communication or eating.Discipline - This determines how serious your Digimon are.You can get a bonus for Training with a high Mood.Mood - This affects how much damage you deal in battle.As you train and fight, your Digimon has 6 Life stats that are affected. Life is the amount of time your Digimon has before it dies.Īll Digimon have a set Life, but they will be reborn after death with higher stats than normal. The Life of your Digimon is the first thing you should worry about before battling. Training and Digivolution - How it works and what affects it.Tamer Info - How you level and what you get.Stats and Food - What each stat and kind of food does.
Game Basics - The basics of raising and battling with your Digimon.We're going to go over the following topics in this guide: Digimon World Next Order Beginner's Guide I'm going to help by going over the basics and give some tips for those just starting their digital adventure.